Call us today! 402-884-2490

What We Offer Our Services

We have one goal, and that is to assist you or your loved one stay in the comforts of home for as long as possible, living a life full of wellness and independence.

Nursing Services

Our Skilled Nurses provide specialized care imbued with compassion and excellence.

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caregiver getting the patients blood pressure

Physical Therapy

Improve on your physical limitations with the assistance of our highly specialized Therapists.

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caregiver helping the patient on his workout

Home Care (Medical/Non-Medical)

We provide home care to enhance your health and promote your independence.

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caregiver giving her patient meal

View More Services

Check the other services we offer to help you achieve healthier lives.

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caregivers checking up the patient
Welcome to

Neighbors Keeper Home Health

We know you only want the best for your loved ones. Neighbors Keeper Home Health shares the same goal with you. We provide a full range of quality and cost-effective healthcare services to assist you or your loved ones live more comfortable and healthier lives in the comfort of home. Through our efficiency and consistency, your loved ones will not have to stay away from you or live their lives away from home. We will assist them achieve their health goals as well as their life aspirations.

caregiver helping the patient walk while smiling for the camera
relaxing room

Our Commitment Mission Statement

Our Mission is to provide excellent and affordable Home Health Services to our clients in the comfort of their homes.

About Us

Set an Appointment

Schedule a meeting with us to discuss your needs.

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Meet Our Staff

Know more about the people who care for you.

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Send Your Referrals

Refer us to your friends, families, or anyone who needs care at home.

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Client Satisfaction Survey

Your feedback is highly appreciated.

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Do you have an Inquiry? Drop Us a Message

We would like to hear from you. Send us your messages, concerns, and feedback.

caregivers and patients taking a photo
living room